Welcome to the Missing Ink. In this forum we'll keep you posted about updates and general progress made to the game as we hurtle through the alpha and beta stages toward the full release
by Gums » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:45 pm
v0.2.5 - 22/03/2012 16:18Added:
- Added several news quests, and reworked some existing quests.
- NPCs can now have subtitles, and many have had their names and titles updated to utilise this.
- Quest dialogue can now have line breaks.
- Reworked the quest tracker:
- Text is now smaller and tighter, allowing for 8 quests to be tracked simultaneously.
- The tracker can be minimised more easily by clicking the book icon just below the minimap. The quest tracker can still be disabled entirely in the settings.
- Clicking on the name of the quest in the tracker will now take you to its entry in the quest log.
- Quest areas and NPCs will appear on the main map. Clicking on the quest's icon in the tracker will open the map to display the relevant information.
- Trees now move slightly in the wind.
- Chat now appears above players' heads in a bubble.
- Nameplates are no longer visible through other objects.
- Fixed completed subquest text appearing in the wrong colour when quests were complete.
- Fixed flickering on overhead icons and emotes.
- Fixed lighting on several new scenery objects.
Known issues:
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- Emotes sometimes do not appear when used.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:41 pm
v0.2.5.1 - 30/03/2012 13:45Added:
- Added audio for quest reception and completion.
- Clicking on a quest icon in the tracker will select that quest as the active quest. The active quest's location will appear on the main map, as well as being tracked on the minimap.
- Quest givers and enders will appear on the minimap when within range.
- Removed the ability to see all NPCs on the minimap to reduce clutter.
- Construction projects are now referenced by their Project ID rather than Object ID, and should no longer be reindexed when the game is patched.
- Increased the distance at which nameplates are drawn.
- Increased the distance at which objects can be targeted.
- Fixed a bug with simultaneous quest objectives which was preventing players from entering worlds.
- Fixed some discrepancies in existing quests.
- Changed default key bind for the quest log to L, and added a key bind (O) for Social.
- Skill hotkeys no longer disappear when their skill is on cooldown.
Known issues:
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- Emotes sometimes do not appear when used.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:21 pm
v0.2.6 - 05/04/2012 14:37Added:
- Added a placeholder shop screen, which can be accessed via a button in the top right of the navigation bar.
- The shop can be dismissed by clicking anywhere on screen, or hitting Cancel (Escape by default).
- Added zoom in and out buttons to the minimap.
- Added the ability to target yourself.
- Moved the target frames to the centre top of the screen.
- Nameplates now have a drop shadow to make them clearer to read.
- Players now edit their islands in an offline mode.
- Build zones have gone from 32x32x32 to 48x48x32.
- Optimised single block mode added to build zones.
- Replaced the quest complete noise with something more noticeable.
- Friendly target levels will now be displayed in white, regardless of level difference.
- Fixed a bug where the player's nameplate (if turned on) was always being set to white.
Known issues:
- When the cursor is in full replacement mode, and while editing the player's island, the cursor is drawn behind the rest of the UI.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e.
- tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- Emotes sometimes do not appear when used.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:47 am
v0.2.6.1 - 26/04/2012 11:38Added:
- Added more scenery and hostile NPCs to the Viking zone.
- Added the option to toggle clicking through the player's avatar (as opposed to self-targeting). This setting is on by default.
- Character nameplates, emotes and chat bubbles now all share the same overhead space and fade between each other more pleasingly.
- All XP values have been scaled up by 10.
- XP earned is now visible via combat text upon killing an NPC.
- Fixed the cursor being drawn behind other UI elements while in edit mode.
- Fixed some missing item thumbnails.
Known issues:
- Reverted to using WAV files for larger audio files, which may result in slightly longer patching and asset bundle streaming.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- Emotes sometimes do not appear when used.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Tue May 01, 2012 4:20 pm
v0.2.7 - 01/05/2012 16:13Added:
- Added grouping:
- You can now invite players to your group by right-clicking on their target frame and selecting invite, from your friends list, or by typing /invite <name>.
- Players invited to a group can immediately accept or decline the invite.
- A group can contain up to 5 players.
- The player who sent the first invite will automatically be group leader. This is indicated by a crown
- alongside their name in the group window.
- Group members' health updates will be displayed in the top left, when in the same zone as the player.
- Group members will be tracked on the minimap when in the same zone, as well as on the main map.
- Group leaders can defer leadership or kick other group members by right-clicking on their name in the group window.
- While in a group, all members within range will receive experience for a kill, and will be able to open any loot drops.
- Any ink received from loot drops will be shared equally among all group members in range.
- Any group member can leave the group by right-clicking on the title bar of the group window, or by typing /leave into chat.
- Fixed a bug with environmental audio FX which was causing multiple copies of the same clip to be loaded into memory.
- Reverted to using Ogg for all audio; music and ambience should now stream correctly.
Known issues:
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- Emotes sometimes do not appear when used.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Wed May 02, 2012 1:51 pm
v0.2.7.1 - 02/05/2012 13:32Added:
- Glowing corners of build zone are now only shown in edit mode.
- Options are now accessible from the island editor.
- Grid can now be toggled on/off in island editor.
- Players can now run around their island in the editor.
- Fixed chat bubbles appearing on-screen when the character talking is behind the player camera.
- Cannon reticule appears correctly when in cannon mode.
- Cannon sounds are affected by global sound fx levels.
- Island sharing emails now display character name correctly.
- Fixed island editor tooltips.
Known issues:
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:50 pm
v0.2.8 - 21/05/2012 16:29Added:
- Added a new hub zone - The Ministry of Defending Stories!
- This zone replaces the offline lobby, and now acts as the entry point for the game, containing portals to the other zones in the game.
- Improved player death experience:
- When the player dies, the spot at which they died will now be marked with a tombstone. The player is locked to this spot until they decide to voluntarily release themselves to the nearest graveyard.
- Upon release, the player will spawn in the graveyard as a ghost; in this form players can walk around the world, but not interact.
- By returning to the vicinity of their gravestone (marked on the minimap, and main map), players will be presented with the option to return to life.
- Alternatively, players can resurrect in the vicinity of the grave spirits, located in each graveyard.
- Added new quests and NPCs to the Viking zone.
- Added a new skybox and lighting for the Viking zone.
- The Viking map has been updated.
- Raised the level cap to 20.
- Added group chat between group members in the same zone:
- Players can talk to group chat by prefixing their message with /g or /group.
- The chat box will remember the last channel used for any subsequent messages. To return to general chat, prefix the message with /s or /say.
- Chat text is now coloured by category.
- Added Viking categories to the avatar and quest menus.
- Prevented quest areas without valid data from displaying on the map.
Known issues:
- Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state.
- Coloured chat log text does impact performance slightly.
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:54 pm
v0.2.9 - 12/06/2012 11:04Added:
- Added trading:
- Players can send a trade request to another player by right clicking on their portrait and selecting trade.
- Once a trade request has been accepted, the players will be automatically taken to the trade section of their book, where they can offer items and ink for trade.
- During this process, either party can confirm their intention to trade based on the currently selected items and ink. If the items or ink involved in the trade change, then both parties will have their confirmation retracted.
- When both parties have successfully confirmed, the trade will take place and the items and ink will be transferred between the two players.
- Targeting rings now scale with the size of the target.
- Updated the grave spirit with a new appearance.
- Fixed an error occurring when an NPC's death audio is missing.
- Fixed minimap zoom button positions not scaling with screen resolution.
- Prevented exploration music from playing in the Ministry of Defending Stories, when exiting a PvP battle.
- Fixed grave spirits appearing to other players when they are not dead.
- Fixed the cosmetic menu being erroneously available while in edit island mode.
- Attached weather particle effects to the camera, rather than the player object.
- Fixed a bug with damage-over-time effects persisting through death.
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to resurrect despite being within range of the player's gravestone
Known issues:
- Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state.
- Coloured chat log text impacts performance slightly.
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:51 pm
v0.2.9.1 - 14/06/2012 13:10Added:
- Player gravestones will now disappear after ten minutes. Players without gravestones can only resurrect at the grave spirit, or by returning to the Ministry of Defending Stories.
Known issues:
- Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state.
- Coloured chat log text impacts performance slightly.
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
by Gums » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:06 pm
v0.3 - 12/10/2012 12:07Added:
- The Ministry of Defending Stories has been significantly upgraded!
- The entire user interface has been overhauled to be much more efficient.
- Added support for skill-based buffs and debuffs.
- Added support for dispelling buffs and debuffs.
- Added support for location-targeted abilities, and reassigned existing skills to utilise this.
- Some new quests have been added, and existing quests tweaked.
- NPCs in the Ministry of Defending Stories now have names and titles.
- The PVP flag indicator has been replaced by a series of swords around the player level disc.
- Changed the fog colour in the Ministry of Defending Stories.
- Added a quest items tab to the inventory.
- Added new backgrounds for item qualities.
- Reduced the default time for tooltips to appear, and turned secondary tooltips on by default.
- Added new tooltips for many interface elements.
- Fixed the friends list showing players in the Ministry as being in an unknown location.
- Updated the location text for medieval and viking zones on the friends list.
- Fixed a bug where the previous zone's map would persist into the Ministry.
- Fixed glitchy loading transitions when entering and leaving construction mode.
- Fixed invalid menu pages being accessible in construction mode.
- Fixed a bug where map pins were not being drawn.
- Fixed group members sharing quest experience.
- Fixed skills sometimes not being disabled upon death.
- Fixed skill cooldowns occasionally being activated after death.
- Fixed a bug where the client attempts to create duplicate objects.
Known issues:
- The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
- Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
- Loot container items do not currently have tooltips.
- Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
- The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
- Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
- Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
- If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
- Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
- If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
- NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
- Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
- When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
- Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.

- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:38 pm
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