Changes, patches and updates

Welcome to the Missing Ink. In this forum we'll keep you posted about updates and general progress made to the game as we hurtle through the alpha and beta stages toward the full release

Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:56 pm

Mac Launcher Update - 16/10/2012 15:56

The game launcher on Mac OS X has been lacking severely for quite some time. It should now be much more responsive, and to top it off we've got a nice installer for you! Unfortunately the old patcher isn't flexible enough to update to the new version by itself, but if you delete the game and head over to the downloads section and grab the installer you'll be all set. :)
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:11 pm

v0.3.0.1 - 19/10/2012 11:24


  • Updated existing and added new skill icons.
  • Added setting scenery objects to large spinning gears in the Ministry.
  • Added banners on the walls of the Ministry.
    • Revamped top bar information and buttons:
    • The XP bar has been moved to the bottom of the screen, and now has an informative tooltip.
    • Book shortcuts, shop and portal buttons have new icons in the top left.
    • The functionality of the PVP flag button is now accessed by right-clicking on the player level disc at the bottom of the screen.
    • Ink levels are viewable in the inventory pane.
    • The Message of the Day button has been removed.
    • Framerate and latency remain as optional elements in the top right.
  • Changed the chat button to match the other new menu buttons.

  • Menu bookmarks now select and animate correctly.
  • Fixed spinning gear colliders to prevent players clipping through them.
  • Optimised some Ministry scenery.
  • Increased quality of book portal texture to make it more legible.
  • Reduced opacity of portal material.
  • Fixed keyboard turn speed being too slow.
  • Fixed blurriness of login screen text.
  • Fixed framerate and latency meters being displayed when not active.
Known issues:

  • After moving the camera with the mouse, the chat box may occasionally become selected without being functional.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Loot container items do not currently have tooltips.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • Clicking repeatedly and rapidly on a target will cause multiple target rings to be spawned on them, which persist even when they are de-targeted.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
  • Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
  • When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
  • Alt-tabbing out and back into the game, will sometimes cause mouselook to be stuck on.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:29 pm

v0.3.0.2 - 23/10/2012 14:00


  • Added introductory movie; this can be skipped by clicking, or pressing return or escape.

  • Fixed chat input box becoming selected without being functional.
  • Fixed chat bubbles appearing during the loading screen.
  • Chat bubbles are now better positioned in relation to the speaker.
  • Mouselook should no longer become stuck on when alt-tabbing.
Known issues:

  • The custom cursor appears in front of some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Loot container items do not currently have tooltips.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • The compose mail text fields and the chat box interfere slightly with the functionality of each other i.e. tabbing, hitting return.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
    Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
  • Chat box selection is a bit wayward on lower resolutions.
  • When the UI is scaled down, tooltips will occasionally 'bump' into false screen edges.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:44 pm

v0.3.1 13/12/2012 13:13


  • Constructification mode and the private island have been completely redesigned.
  • Moved the exit button from the gameplay settings screen, to a more prominent button in the top left.
  • Vendors have now been added to the game, that can sell general items and building components.
  • Redesigned the user interface for NPC interactions e.g. vendors, quest givers and player trading.
  • Added support for expandable and scrollable inventories.
  • Added a block inventory showing the player's unlocked building block inventory.
  • Added support for secondary skills that trigger off primary skills.
  • Added support for usable and consumable inventory items.
  • The player can now log directly into build mode from the login screen.
  • Added some new skill effects.
  • Added the ability to use the self-cast modifier with targeted damage skills, in the event they have a secondary heal component.
  • Book menu shortcut buttons now glow and have an overlay to signify that the information within them has been updated.

  • All options pages have now been converted over to the new UI system.
  • Mail and friends menus have also been converted over the new UI system.
  • The click-through-self gameplay option now works correctly.
  • Combat text is now batched and should overlap considerably less.
  • Fixed flying shelves.
Known issues:

  • The custom cursor appears in front of some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:07 pm

v0.3.2 21/12/2012 19:57


  • Added a new video tutorial section to the book menu. This menu is available at the login screen and in build mode.
  • When blurb editing and using the marquee, players can right click to reset the marquee
  • When blurb editing, when the delete group is opened, the blurb editor is automatically set to delete mode by default
  • When blurb editing, clicking on the mode currently in use sets the editor to no mode
  • When blurb editing, the blocks bucket is hidden in marquee mode, and the entire bucket box is hidden in any modes where it is not used
  • When blurb editing, players now have a limited number of blocks, and can purchase more from vendors in the MODs
  • When blurb editing, single blocks can now be selected and added 1 by 1, a bit like minecraft.

  • The Exit button now returns the player to the login screen when in the webplayer.
  • Quest detail dialogues now scroll when they contain enough text.
  • Quest detail dialogues now display item rewards correctly.
  • Moved on-screen alerts slightly higher to make them more visible when other interface elements are active.
  • Fixed the positioning of the ink reward icon in quest detail dialogues.
  • Fixed an issue with click events still being interpreted at the end of drag events.
  • Fixed an issue with interface elements being created as active, causing their colliders to interfere with other mouse events.
  • Fixed a bug where swapping an item from one hand to the other empty hand would result in a phantom copy of the item being created.
  • Tweaked the positioning of the inventory scroll window and items.
  • Tab and Return now work on the login screen.
  • In blurb editor, all of the buttons at the top of the screen are shown, but the inactive ones are greyed out
  • In blurb editor, marquee is now orange to stand out against the white floor
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • Viewing the map while in your Blurb displays a white rectangle. All the other maps should work correctly.
  • The custom cursor appears in front of some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:17 pm

v0.3.3 28/01/2013 16:38


  • Added a new map and teleport system.
    • Maps for the three main zones (Ministry, Medieval, Viking) can now be selected and viewed from within the map section of the book.
    • Teleport waypoints have been placed in these three zones which allow instant transportation to their location.
    • Deactivated waypoints appear greyed out on the maps. Waypoints can be activated by finding them in the world, and clicking on them.
    • Players can teleport to an activated waypoint by clicking it on their map and paying an ink cost which scales with player level.
    • Teleport tokens can be spent instead of paying the ink cost (tokens will be made available in a future patch).
  • Updated the tutorial movie button icon.
  • Added additional skill sound effects.
  • Modified some existing skill sound effects.
  • Vendors are now marked with an icon above their head.

  • Blurb-related account settings have been fixed for all newly-registered players since patch v0.3.2.
  • The video tutorial section is now available when editing your Blurb.
  • Skills found in backpacks, shields and charms should now all scale correctly with their item's level.
  • Moved the Old Mods to make the starting Ministry quest layout more sensible.
  • Tweaked some quest text for Ministry-based quests.
  • Fixed the mail page disappearing when opened.
  • Minimap icons should now appear on the minimap once again.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not always appear ghostly when dead, and the grave spirit would appear texture-less.
  • Fixed the cursor mode resetting to disabled.
  • When in your Blurb, the map page will now be blank rather than showing a white rectangle.
  • Helmut the merchant now sells all qualities of shield instead of duplicate axes.
  • Quest reward items should now be visible in the initial questgiver dialogue.
  • Added gryphons, yeti, and the saga teller to the viking world, thereby fixing their related quests.
  • Draggable UI panels no longer have momentum.
  • Changed the wording of the player gravestone map tooltip.
  • Fixed the mousewheel zooming the camera when also scrolling interface elements.
  • Fixed some depth conflicts between interface panels.
  • Widened the quest tracker label text to allow for longer quest names.
  • Fixed an issue where block inventory colliders would be active while in the general inventory.
  • Block vendors' item lists should now remain sorted when unlocking a block.
  • Increased the compression quality of the tutorial movies.
  • Fixed an issue in blurb editor where pressing the move up/down button would cause the camera to move, but the floor level to not actually increase.
  • Fixed an issue in blurb editor causing it to sometimes incorrectly think that cells were occupied when the're actually empty.
  • Fixed an exploit in the blurb editor to allow people to use the paste function to create blocks they don't have, and even increase the amount the editor thought they owned.
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • The custom cursor appears behind some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:30 pm

v0.3.4 04/02/2013 14:18


  • Added sound effects for teleportation and waypoint activation.
  • Added an additional server chat channel (Inform) that also creates an on-screen alert, so that certain server messages are more noticeable.
  • Added a thumbnail for redeemable cards.

  • Fixed map markers becoming stuck when player is disconnected while looking at their map.
  • Fixed a bug where the player arrow would reappear without the map after completing a quest.
  • All elements of the map are now drawn under the new UI system.
  • Tweaked some quest text.
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • The custom cursor appears behind some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:47 pm

v0.3.5 07/02/2013 13:39


  • Added sound effect for the redemption of cards.
  • Tweaked the rotation of the central Ministry waypoint.
  • Added redeemable pack functionality.
  • Added thumbnail icons for cards and packs.
  • Added thumbnails for each video tutorial.
  • Changed the overhead icon for vendors.

  • Tooltips for charms, shields and backpacks with zero armour rating will now not display "0 Armour".
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • The custom cursor appears behind some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:01 pm

v0.3.6 18/02/2013 17:57


  • As part of the ongoing beta, all characters and their progress have been reset to the default starting conditions.
  • Removed the placeholder in-game shop; the shop button now links to the web shop.
  • The blurb editor camera is now restrained so it can't turn upside-down.
  • The blurb editor now shows how many blocks you have remaining of each type, and how many you have unlocked of each type.
  • Batching in blurb editor is now better, though still room for improvement.
  • Meshes generated for voxels in the blurb editor are now much more efficient, frame rates of blurbs using voxels should be higher.

  • Fixed an issue with the cursor disappearing when mousing over certain objects.
  • Fixed merchant Silli Strongbeard not responding to player interactions.
  • Fixed the quest Desperately Seeking Sagas not being completable.
  • Fixed blurb editor cannon balls hitting invisible walls.
  • Fixed blurb editor bug caused by copying with the marquee when the marquee already has a copied section of blurb in it.
  • Fixed blurb editor third-person camera not being in the correct position when switching from 1st to 3rd person.
  • Fixed blurb editor sending the player name as "Player Name" in share emails.
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • The custom cursor appears behind some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
  • The custom cursor does not disable properly at the login menu.
  • The custom cursor is not visible during additive mode when in the world.
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Re: Changes, patches and updates

Postby Gums » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:34 pm

v0.3.7 25/02/2013 14:34


  • Reduced mail subject font size to make longer subjects more visible.
  • Tweaked confirmation text for redeeming cards and packs.
  • Tweaked confirmation text for both Blurb portals.
  • Added the shop URL to the Shop button tooltip and confirmation text.
  • The generic confirmation dialogue will now appear in front of and in addition to other UI elements, rather than clearing the screen.
  • Tweaked depth sorting of various UI elements.
  • Swapped the positions of mail and people in the social menu.
  • All Building tutorials now have more comprehensive explanatory text.
  • Added ability for unlocking more paints for blurbs, though none are being sold or given as rewards as of yet
  • "Copy URL to Clipboard" button added to the share dialog in blurb editor

  • Fixed quests not being removed from the tracker correctly upon completion.
  • Fixed the minimap being visible over tutorial videos.
  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect tutorial video would be played for Building tutorials.
  • Location-targeted skills should now be usable on the player's Blurb.
  • The Toggle UI button should now work properly again (F3 by default).
  • Fixed two issues that caused custom cursors to appear when they shouldn't, or not appear when they should.
Known issues:

  • When editing large projects on your Blurb, a "Too Many Heap Sections" error can be encountered. Be sure to save your Blurb often!
  • The custom cursor appears behind some of the book menu elements that are drawn using the old GUI system.
  • The user interface has been mostly rebuilt from scratch and may have some as-yet unidentified bugs.
  • Combat mechanics are in an incomplete state, and many skill and buff special effects are to-be-implemented.
  • Large environmental audio loops can cause a slight hitch when first loading e.g. fountain, crackling fire.
  • Spiral staircases are a bit tricky to navigate.
  • Quest tracker status is not preserved between client sessions.
  • If a player uses Alt+Enter to toggle windowed mode, the video options menu will not be correctly updated to reflect this.
  • If the player takes a hostile action after their PVP-flag button has been re-enabled, the button will remain enabled but will not work until another period of combat-free time has elapsed.
  • NPCs and other players are visible through billboarded trees.
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